Donate to Heroes and Horses
We thank you for your consideration to donate to Heroes and Horses. Below are examples of impact your donation could create.
$25.00 - Provides a student with a whole-food, anti-inflammatory diet for a day.
$50.00 - Supports the purchase of new tack for one member of our herd.
$75.00 - Supports the purchase of hay for one horse during the 41-day program.
$100.00 - Supports the veterinary care for one of our herd members for a year.
$150.00 - Supports the 41-day mobility program for one student.
$250.00 - Supports the travel of one program participant a year.
$500.00 - Supports gear for one student to participate in the program.
Your donation is tax-exempt.
If you have questions, please contact us at 406-946-2645 or admin@heroesandhorses.org.